
Should You Buy The Polaroid Camera

The research

  • Why yous should trust us
  • What is an instant camera?
  • Who this is for
  • How we picked
  • Our selection: Fujifilm Instax Square SQ6
  • Upgrade pick: Fujifilm Instax Mini Evo
  • Budget pick: Fujifilm Instax Mini 9
  • Likewise bully: Instax Wide 300
  • The contest
  • Sources

Erin Lodi is a photojournalist, a writer, and a professional person lensman. She has written a few iterations of this guide over the past 5 years and has tried out dozens of gimmicky instant cameras along the way. She'due south old enough to retrieve shaking it like a bona fide Polaroid movie, and the oldest model in her ever-growing collection of instant cameras includes her grandfather'south Polaroid Land Camera.

Arriana Vasquez is an updates writer for Wirecutter and a photographer. Her photography ranges from studio portraits to influencer, product, and street photography. For Wirecutter she has worked on several camera related guides including the best tripod (and monopod), and best cell telephone tripod.

Instant cameras use moving picture packs that include a negative, all the necessary chemical developers and substrates, and the positive paper required to produce the finished print. After you lot press the shutter, the print emerges from the camera, the development procedure begins, and the bare sheet turns into a color photograph within minutes. Nearly film packs come up in bundles of 10 exposures, and most cameras have a countdown mechanism to tell y'all how many shots are left in the pack.

Referred to most ordinarily as a "Polaroid" (after the company that popularized the engineering), the instant camera foreshadowed some of the convenience that digital cameras would after bring. Although digital cameras have fabricated the instant photographic camera obsolete in almost every mode, there remains a special joy to pressing the shutter push button and watching a physical print emerge from the camera and develop right before your optics. Fifty-fifty for photographers who remember spending hours in the darkroom, the whole process still feels similar magic. You don't get the brilliant colors and wide range of highlights and shadows that even an entry-level digital camera can offering, but each print is a ane-of-a-kind memento that you can physically pass around and share in a existent-earth (rather than virtual) environs.

A person using the Instax Mini 9 instant camera.

Photo: Rozette Rago

The big draw of instant cameras is that they're fun to use and provide instant photo gratification. They're a great conversation starter, and they requite yous an like shooting fish in a barrel way to coax even the most photographic camera-shy subjects into posing for a portrait. Plus, kids raised in the digital photographic camera historic period are ofttimes fascinated by watching a tangible instant print develop.

Instant cameras are also neat for sharing with the whole family, regardless of age or photography knowhow. They're well-suited to capturing the moment in a casual and inclusive manner, in role because the toylike appearance of instant cameras puts people at ease more than a serious-looking DSLR. The very novelty of an image that isn't instantly posted to social media may also inspire more uninhibited poses. And in this historic period of digital files that are hands duplicated, there's goose egg quite like taking someone'due south picture and moments later giving them the only version of it in the earth.

That said, instant cameras are a decidedly retro proposition with a express set of features. You don't go a zoom lens. The viewfinders are tiny and less than precise at close distances, and film isn't cheap—you're looking at more than 50¢ for each shot you take. And yous won't meet an onscreen preview of how the lighting and dissimilarity volition impact your photo, so you can't predict how the photo will turn out. But those shortcomings are office of what most people beloved about instant cameras. If you're not interested in a camera with such limitations, a digital camera would exist a improve choice for you.

The four instant camera picks laying on their back,

Photo: Michael Hession

In choosing cameras to test for this update, we looked for models that fit these criteria:

  • Easy to use: This should be a fun photographic camera that can be enjoyed without much didactics or a large learning curve. And although sharing much of anything is a bit taboo these days, nosotros still believe part of the allure of an instant camera is existence able to pass information technology around, again, without much instruction, at any social gathering.
  • Reasonably priced picture: No instant film is cheap, but if the price is significantly more than $1 a print, you have to get a really nice photograph to warrant that kind of expense.
  • Creative controls: The simple, point-and-shoot fun of instant photos is great, but better instant cameras will also let yous brand minor adjustments to exposures, or fifty-fifty brand multiple exposures on a single print to keep the experience fresh.
  • Decent battery life: You lot should never have to bring more than than i set up of spare batteries when you have your instant camera out for the day. Nosotros looked for cameras that are rated to let you shoot at least 100 photos with a gear up of batteries and gave actress points to those that were able to shoot many more than than that earlier exhausting their ability supply.

The Fujifilm Instax Square SQ6, shown against a blue background.

Photograph: Michael Hession

Our option

The Fujifilm Instax Square SQ6 produces the best photos we've seen from an instant photographic camera and remains our top choice since late 2018. The precipitous and vibrant images show a pleasing amount of detail and dissimilarity, and they expect meliorate than the competition'due south past a wide margin. Though intuitive and unproblematic enough that anyone can showtime shooting with information technology right away, the SQ6 also has controls similar exposure compensation and multiple-exposure manner if you desire to become creative. And the camera body, which comes in gray, silverish, and a blush gold, is every bit retro as the foursquare-format prints and feels solid and durable.

If you're erstwhile enough to call back existence able to "shake information technology similar a Polaroid picture," the SQ6 will feel like a cornball please. If your kids are new to instant cameras, the novelty of a tangible photograph in the hand will accept them eagerly posing for their turn. The prints measure 2.four inches square, smaller than the Polaroids of sometime but larger than the credit-menu-sized Instax Minis yous've probable encountered at i party or another.

Two side-by-side photos taken by the SQ6, our top pick instant camera. One picture shows a vase of flowers in front of a window and the other print shows a cat sitting in front of a window.

The SQ6 takes some of the well-nigh vivid and sharp images of whatever instant photographic camera nosotros've tested. Photo: Michael Hession

The SQ6 creates the all-time photos among the instant cameras we've tested, with brighter colors and improve item. And the SQ6 makes reliably proficient images in full car mode, so fifty-fifty a novice tin usually capture a swell shot. Though we understand that surprising results and unique variations can be part of the allure of using an instant photographic camera, it is also true that the picture isn't exactly cheap—each exposure volition set you lot back about 90¢—so consistent results are a big plus. That per-print price is higher than prints from the Instax Mini Evo and the Instax Mini ix which run about 70¢ each, but is lower than the Instax Wide 300 whose exposures price about $1.xx per—and much lower than other instant cameras in this category such every bit the Polaroid Now and its $2 exposure cost. Zink pic tin run equally depression as l¢ per image, but the results are nowhere near as skillful as Instax prints.

Three photos taken by three of our instant camera picks.

While the Instax Broad 300 (left) produces a large, 3.4-past-4.iii-inch image and the Instax Mini 9 (eye) produces a small but inexpensive photograph, our top selection, the SQ6 (right), spits out a sizable square print with the best clarity and vibrancy we've seen from a modern instant camera. Photo: Michael Hession

In daylight or in brightly lit interiors, that motorcar mode results in prototype quality that's consequent and mostly color-accurate—or every bit close equally y'all'll get with instant moving-picture show. If you lot want to pace out of auto mode, the SQ6 includes more than options than what nearly other instant cameras offer. Exposure controls and the choice to disable wink let you experiment with your results. You can also get more creative with macro, mural, and double exposure modes, or use the selfie manner and mirror on the front end of the camera to make sure y'all've lined up the perfect self-portrait. A standard tripod socket and cocky-timer allow the photographer to bring together group shots. The camera also includes three flash filters—orange, green, and royal—that y'all can pop on and off the wink to cast color over the entire epitome.

The SQ6'south shutter push button is in a user-friendly location on the front of the camera, just beneath the minor viewfinder. Photograph: Michael Hession

The SQ6 feels comfortable and solid in the hand. It's as big and square as a thick sandwich at 4.7 by 5 by 2.3 inches, with simply enough expanse around the lens to maintain a secure grip and a design that makes it easy to find the shutter button and navigate the three control buttons. At 14 ounces it weighs virtually as much equally a football, light enough to wear around using the included photographic camera strap and all the same portable plenty to fit into a handbag. The viewfinder is small, though nosotros constitute most of our photos hitting the mark when trying to center subjects. A mechanical counter on the back displays how many exposures remain.

Flaws only not dealbreakers

Although the Fujifilm Instax Mini film that our budget pick uses is readily available in nearly camera shops and drugstores, the newer Fujifilm Instax Square used past the SQ6 can exist more hard to find. It's also more expensive—about 85¢ per impress, versus 60¢ for the mini size.

The Instax Foursquare SQ6 runs on CR2 batteries rather than a rechargeable battery like that of our previous peak selection (the Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic). Nevertheless, a pair of CR2s will concluding three times as long as a single accuse of the Mini xc's battery: 300 shots versus 100.

The SQ6 is square and a flake bulky, like the Instagram logo come to life. Information technology's noticeably larger and heavier than our previous pick, only it's still pocket-size enough to carry around at a political party or to squeeze into a handbag.

The colored wink filters feel contemporary. In auto mode, they add a unique hue only too make images darker and blurry. At well-nigh a dollar per exposure, we didn't notice the event is worth the experiment.

The Fujifilm Instax Mini Evo

Photograph: Michael Hession

Upgrade pick

The Fujifilm Instax Mini Evo combines the fun of an analog instant camera (tangible prints) with some advantages of a digital photographic camera (a review screen, filters, discretionary press) in a tiny, portable parcel.

Information technology's easy enough to start shooting, reviewing, and press images with the LiPlay without ever peeking at the instruction manual, so even the about novice user should exist able to produce shots immediately. (Even though the ergonomics of the camera are a chip awkward, like some other Instax cameras, the LiPlay makes more sense in portrait rather than landscape mode, or y'all're forced to utilize your left forefinger to trigger the shutter button, which feels more unnatural than it sounds.) With a sleek, solid build and roughly the size of a standard point-and-shoot camera, the LiPlay also looks similar it could withstand a drop or two, and though we wouldn't hesitate tossing it into a bag, it'southward also small-scale enough to fit most glaze pockets.

A close up of a print from the Instax Mini Evo compaited to how it looks on the screen on the camera.

The Evo offers a review screen and the option to choose if and when to print an paradigm. Photo: Michael Hession

The LiPlay prints clear, vibrant images onto Instax Mini Instant Film. Running about sixty¢ each exposure, information technology's the least expensive Instax motion picture, but being able to select which images to impress feels delightfully frugal, especially if the photographic camera is in the hands of a trigger-happy shooter. Conversely and different our top selection, which can print only ane fleeting moment at a time, y'all can print out a favorite image over and over over again.

A half printing of the shutter push button employs AE/AF lock, and a green foursquare indicates focus on a small LCD screen. You lot can nondestructively add filters and frames or zoom into an epitome before printing, though that's virtually the extent of post in-camera editing on the LiPlay. You lot can also play with exposure compensation before snapping a shot, and the Autofocus Illuminator helps the camera discover focus in low-light settings.

four prints from the Instax Mini Evo

The Mini Evo offers merely enough pre- and post-capture settings for the more experienced shooter, such every bit exposure and focus lock when you're shooting and filters and zoom when y'all're editing. Photo: Michael Hession

You can unlock more features using the slick Instax Mini Evo app, from printing images through your smartphone to remote shooting using your phone to customizing iii shortcut buttons on the photographic camera. The Evo will store virtually 45 images in its internal memory, just an additional microSD slot allows for far more storage and also means yous could transfer the images from the camera onto your calculator and and then to all your social media platforms. The congenital-in bombardment is rated to last near 100 shots per charge.

Around the lens of the camera is a rotating dial that lets you utilize lens effects, like vignette, fish eye, and double exposure. On the top of the camera at that place'due south another dial that will add moving-picture show effects that alter the colors of the epitome, like vivid to make colors more punchy, or sepia to give the paradigm a warm tint.

Every bit you rotate the dial a preview of the effect is shown on the back screen of the camera so you lot know what the prototype will look similar earlier yous take it. You tin can add together both a lens and film effect to the same image which can lead to some fun and interesting combinations.

The Fujifilm Instax Mini 9, shown against a blue background.

Photo: Michael Hession

Budget pick

The photos generated past the Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 aren't the all-time you'll go out of the cameras we tested, and the photographic camera itself doesn't offer every bit many artistic options as the Instax Square SQ6. Only if you're non seeking high dynamic range and sharp item from the family unit barbecue party pics, the Mini 9 is smaller and more than fun to pass around, and its results will be skilful enough to commemorate such coincidental occasions. Plus, at 3.4 by two.i inches (with borders) the photos are just a tad smaller than a credit card, making them perfect for toting effectually in your wallet. And both the photographic camera and film refills (well-nigh 60¢ per shot compared with about 85¢ per shot) are less expensive than with our top selection.

The adjustment options on the Fujifilm Instax Mini 9.

The Mini 9 offers but the most basic aligning options, but it includes a selfie mirror. Photo: Michael Hession

You won't find much in the way of creative controls beyond a bit of exposure compensation and a macro lens attachment, just the Mini 9 does have a selfie mirror. We also recommend the Mini 9 equally a solid choice for an inexpensive instant camera for kids: It's built to withstand the occasional drib, and information technology comes in iv bright colors. It's a lilliputian tricky to turn on, merely once you discover the lens release/power button, it's ready to hand off to someone else without education.

Two prints of photos taken with and produced by the Instax Mini 9 camera, which we recommend as a budget option in our instant camera review.

The photos from the Instax Mini nine are basically the same size as credit cards, and so they're piece of cake to tote around in a wallet. Photograph: Rozette Rago

The Mini 9 runs on ii AA batteries that volition terminal nigh 100 shots—probable long plenty to serve through a few shooting sessions if you're non as well trigger happy.

The Fujifilm Instax Wide 300, shown against a light blue background.

Photo: Michael Hession

Also great

Fujifilm Instax Broad 300

Bigger and wider photos

The Wide 300 produces larger, wider prints at a lower cost than the Instax Foursquare SQ6 and runs on AA batteries, just the camera is quite a scrap larger than most mod instant cameras and gives yous fewer options.

We recommend the Fujifilm Instax Wide 300 if you prefer larger (3.iv-past-four.3-inch) prints and don't need actress controls such as exposure compensation. The prints don't look as good as our top pick'due south, and the Instax Wide 300 is substantially larger and heavier than the Instax Foursquare SQ6, but Instax Broad Instant Motion-picture show is slightly less expensive at about 75¢ per exposure.

Although the Instax Broad 300 makes larger prints than our peak option, its prototype quality is non equally proficient as that of the Instax Square SQ6, which delivers more vibrant colors and amend contrast. Bigger can be more important, however, when you're passing photos effectually at a small get-together: People love the larger size, and we've noticed that nigh dinner guests are rarely concerned about saturation or sharpness. The Instax Broad 300's photos even feel a bit more nostalgic because of this effect—possibly more akin to the original Polaroid experience in both size and unpredictability.

The Instax Wide 300 offers only ii control buttons to fiddle with: exposure and flash output. Photograph: Michael Hession

There's not much to control on the Instax Wide 300: merely two back buttons that allow you to fiddle with exposure compensation and turn on the fill up flash (but not disable the flash entirely), respectively. A sizable grip gives you lot plenty to hold onto, only the photographic camera feels too clunky to tote around all night past its sparse strap. A built-in tripod socket can aid with stability in low low-cal and allow you to exit the camera on a tripod for a photo berth, just because the camera lacks a timer, you lot'll have to exit someone in charge of pressing the shutter push button.

a child sitting on steps outdoors, next to a pot of yellow flowers.

The Instax Wide 300 produces photos that are wider and larger than the exposures from our other picks. Photograph: Michael Hession

The Instax Wide 300 runs on four AA batteries that are easy and inexpensive to replace (and in that location's no reason you can't utilise rechargeable AAs). Fujifilm Instax Wide Instant Pic is harder to find at the corner drugstore, just a two-pack of 10 exposure cartridges costs almost $fifteen (or 75¢ per print) online.

Equally professional person photographer Jessica Zollman told us, "I went for the Wide for its larger images that capture more than from the scene and resemble the size of an original Polaroid more closely. If you carry around a pocketbook often, or don't mind merely throwing a conversation-starter photographic camera over your shoulder before you caput out, the Wide is absolutely perfect."

Fujifilm dominates the instant-photographic camera field, and nosotros've looked at nearly every Instax model the company has ever released.

The Instax Square SQ1 may seem to be a newer version of our pick, the SQ6, but information technology lacks all the camera modes (like macro or landscape), making information technology functionally closer to a point-and-shoot like our upkeep option but using square motion-picture show instead of rectangular. While it might be easier to hold with the new grip design, it'southward about $30 more than than our pick (with fewer features) and twice as much as our upkeep pick.

We've looked at merely about every Instax Mini since the first iteration of this guide in 2013, including past pick the Instax Mini 50S, the Instax Mini 70, the Instax Mini 11. and the about recently the Mini xl. Our current picks offer the best in image quality, usability, and value compared with other Instax cameras we've considered.

The Polaroid At present is the all-time nosotros've seen however from the company again known as Polaroid (née Polaroid Originals née Impossible Project). A pared downward version of previous attempts the OneStep+ and the OneStep 2, the Polaroid At present succeeds in analog simplicity, offering but the most basic controls plus a self-timer push button and double exposure fashion. But still much this revival pulled at our heartstrings with its nostalgic clunky shape and big red shutter button, the photographic results were unpredictable. That'southward been our complaint with each iteration of these new Polaroid cameras, and at $2 per exposure, getting often blurry and over- or underexposed prints feels frustrating. The new Polaroid movie besides needs to exist shaded from calorie-free for 15 minutes as information technology develops-—so forget shaking it like a Polaroid pic. The camera spits out a thin black shield of plastic over the epitome as it emerges from the camera, a design that makes this camera a fleck nerve-racking to share with the worry that someone may tear the shield off inadvertently or waste matter that precious i-Type film by beingness impatient. You lot besides won't know if you lot've got a decent shot until those 15 minutes are up, and the likelihood of recapturing that decisive moment again is slim.

Vintage Polaroid cameras, such every bit the cute SX-lxx, demand to employ erstwhile Polaroid film (if you tin can discover it—the production of real Polaroid film concluded in 2008) or versions now being fabricated by the new Polaroid. Photographers we've talked to have also plant this picture show to be unreliable with questionable long-term storage results. Some Polaroid Land cameras, such as the 200 model, can accept sheets of Fujifilm's Instax film. But these cameras are big and relatively expensive, and the steps required to load Instax film into them are not for the faint of heart.

Zink prints have disqualified quite a few other cameras and printers in this category: Kodak'southward Printomatic and Pop; Polaroid's Z2300, Snap, Snap Touch, Null Mobile Printer, and the Socialmatic; Lifeprint; and HP'southward Sprocket camera and printer. The two-by-3-inch prints had low contrast and low quality regardless of which device we used.

Kodak has besides tried its own 4Pass Photo Paper in both the Mini Shot and the Kodak Photo Print Mini 2. While the credit-bill of fare-sized prints (which are besides stickers) are sharp and vibrant, the process is ho-hum and the concluding output is missing some of the nostalgic softness of an Instax print that harkens back to Polaroids of old. As xanthous, magenta. and cyan colors are added, the print emerges and retreats from the device. The wide angle of the Mini Shot camera also distorted our images for some unflattering results.

Lomography's latest Diana Instant Square makes use of our electric current favorite Instax Square Instant Motion picture in a nostalgic remake of the classic Diana plastic camera body, but without the consistent results of our top pick, according to reviewers we trust.

Lomography'due south Lomo'Instant Automat series cameras definitely look cool, and they employ Fujifilm's readily available and reasonably priced Instax Mini film packs. Features such as countless multiple exposures are interesting, just controls are marked with difficult-to-decipher hieroglyphic symbols. Aimed at the advanced instant shooter, most of the cameras in this series are bundled with fish-heart, wide-bending and close-upward lens attachments, which we plant more cumbersome than useful. We remember you'll have more fun and make more consistently ameliorate images with our summit pick, at a lower price.

Lomography's Lomo'Instant Broad cameras are designed to shoot on Fujifilm'southward Instax Broad pic. They have the same three shooting modes every bit the Lomo'Instant, plus a shutter remote in the lens cap. Our big problem with the Lomo'Instant series is its clunky controls and strange layout, and the Lomo'Instant Broad offers more of the same, making this series an easy dismissal.

Famed luxury camera brand Leica dipped its toe into instant cameras with the Leica Sofort. While the Sofort's toll tag has fewer zeroes than we've seen on some other Leica gear, it still costs far more than than most other instant cameras. Considering that the Sofort is like to other Instax models in specs and features and uses the aforementioned Instax mini flick, we don't think the Leica crimson dot justifies the price.

While the Mint InstantFlex TL70 may exist the coolest instant photographic camera we've ever seen (Twin-lens reflex! Manual focus!), nearly $400 is too much to pay—plus information technology makes the camera too expensive to be passed around at a party, which takes away from the instant fun. It has also gotten criticism from DPReview for poor build quality.

  1. James Artaius, Gavin Stoker, The best instant cameras in 2020 — from all-time instax to best Polaroid cameras, Digital Photographic camera Globe , April fifteen, 2020

  2. Tom Morgan, Amy Davies, Best instant camera 2020: the 10 best retro cameras for instant fun, TechRadar , April six, 2020

  3. Daven Mathies and Hillary K. Grigonis, The best instant cameras for 2020, , May 15, 2020


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